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Article 1 to 10 from 16 total


Futuristic architecture and traditional temples

A discovery tour through Tokyo fascinates culture lovers, high-tech fans, Zen enthusiasts, trendsetters and gourmets alike. In Japan's capital city, past and present merge. With its combination of tradition and modernity, the metropolis of contrasts fascinates every visitor. The best overview of the entire city is provided by the city hall designed by star architect Kenzo Tang. From vantage points on the 45th floor, the twin towers offer a grandiose...


Fascinating city with a glamorous past

Frank Sinatra, Liz Taylor, Brigitte Bardot - the Who's Who of the American jet set came to Acapulco in the 1960s and 1970s and turned the city on Mexico's Pacific coast into a hotspot for Hollywood's high society. With the visit of the Prince of Wales and later King Edward VIII of England in the 1920s, the rapid rise of the tourism stronghold began...


Travel to the Golden State

This state of the USA is not only the third largest, but a world of its own. You can find almost everything there, because California offers sightseeing and recreational opportunities in abundance. Picturesque beaches, dry deserts, world-famous metropolises, breathtaking national parks or ski resorts: there's something for everyone! It is highly recommended to start a trip through California in San Francisco. From there you can...

San Francisco

A dream destination

On the American West Coast there is a city that radiates a very special charm and flair that is unparalleled in the entire United States. San Francisco has often been the subject of songs and the series "The Streets of San Francisco" with a young Michael Douglas and Karl Malden made the city world famous. With about 900,000 inhabitants, San Francisco is one of the fourth largest cities in the entire state of California, although it does not seem to fit the classic cliché of the sunshine state...


A city could not be more beautifully situated

A city cannot be more beautifully situated! Sydney, the metropolis in New South Wales with 4.6 million inhabitants, is located directly on the sea. In the front the water of the Pacific glistens, in the hinterland the peaks of the Blue Mountains rise up. And on the outskirts of the city there are several national parks. It is no wonder that Sydneysiders love their city. Their lifestyle is casual and easygoing. Sydney also offers sunshine most of the year...

Hong Kong

The autonomous metropolis in Asia

Are you looking for an unusual destination and an unforgettable experience? Have you ever thought about a trip to Hong Kong? The pulsating metropolis of Asia is not only one of the megacities of this world, but also stands out due to many special features. In addition to its breathtaking skyline and the architecture spread over 263 islands, Hong Kong has many sights to offer its visitors. No city in Asia offers a better contrast of...

Ko Samui

Coconut forests and dream beaches

Fine white sandy beaches, coconut forests and hot party nights: that's the Thai Ko Samui. The holiday island is the third largest island in Thailand and is part of the Chumpon Archipelago. Together with about 80 other islands it is located in the middle of the Ang Thong Marine National Park. Ko Samui is located about 35 kilometres from the...

San Diego

Fascination California - between beach, tacos and military history

Year-round sunshine, relaxed surfing ambience and attractive leisure activities for the whole family - San Diego in California is a real dream destination. The second largest city in the US state is located about two hours south of Los Angeles, directly on the Pacific coast and the border with Mexico. The proximity to its southern neighbor is clearly evident in the city's restaurant scene. Nowhere else in the USA are so many authentic...


Discovery tour through South Korea's largest port city

Scenically Busan is characterized by mountains, beaches and thermal springs. The second largest city of the country in the southeast of the Korean Peninsula is located at the mouth of the Nakdonggang. Around 4.5 million people live along the numerous bays on the Sea of Japan. The university city has one of the largest container ports in the world...


Get to know the Aloha-Spirit

The island chain Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean covers an area of 28,311 square kilometers. About 1.5 million inhabitants populate the 50th state of the United States of America. The name Hawaii is derived from the largest island of the archipelago, also known as Big Island. Hawaii has a warm climate all year round. The islands are equally popular with tourists from America and around the world. Especially well known are the many public beaches...

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