Your search for florida

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Suchergebnisse für: florida

Article 1 to 4 from 4 total


American Way of Life

There is hardly any other state in the USA where the American Way of Life is as true as in Florida. Openness and optimism characterize the people here and nowhere else is the money as loose as here. Florida is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. The coastline is 3,000 kilometers long, the sea shines emerald green and the endless white beaches are also among Florida's attractions...


The art and culture metropolis Miami presents itself with dream beaches

Miami is considered a city with many faces. The metropolis is known for its diverse entertainment and first-class restaurants, legendary nightlife and white sandy beaches. The southernmost tip of Florida attracts six million travelers from all over the world every year. In this exotic paradise, Miami presents itself modern, stylish and lively. Many celebrities and artists are attracted by the glamorous atmospher. Under Caribbean, Latin American...

Key West

Dream destination at the southernmost point of the USA

The city of Key West on the island of the same name is located at the western end of the Florida Keys in a picturesque location between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. The city area includes the neighbouring islands Sigsbee Park, Fleming Key and Stock Island. Sunset Key is only accessible by boat. The connection to Key West is from the...


Metropolis with many faces

The US-American metropolis Orlando is located in the heart of Florida and is very popular with tourists. Thanks to a year-round mild climate and the typical American flair, Orlando is a great destination for families as well as couples of all ages. A very special attraction for children and the young-at-heart are the approximately 50 different theme parks, which are located directly in the city or in the nearby surroundings. In Orlando there are theme...

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