Your search for california

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Suchergebnisse für: california

Article 1 to 5 from 5 total


Travel to the Golden State

This state of the USA is not only the third largest, but a world of its own. You can find almost everything there, because California offers sightseeing and recreational opportunities in abundance. Picturesque beaches, dry deserts, world-famous metropolises, breathtaking national parks or ski resorts: there's something for everyone! It is highly recommended to start a trip through California in San Francisco. From there you can...

San Francisco

A dream destination

On the American West Coast there is a city that radiates a very special charm and flair that is unparalleled in the entire United States. San Francisco has often been the subject of songs and the series "The Streets of San Francisco" with a young Michael Douglas and Karl Malden made the city world famous. With about 900,000 inhabitants, San Francisco is one of the fourth largest cities in the entire state of California, although it does not seem to fit the classic cliché of the sunshine state...

Route 66

The legendary road from east to west

Who does not know Route 66, the legendary long road that once led from Chicago (Illinois) to California (Santa Monica). Originally almost 4,000 km long, it was considered the longest road in the USA from 1926. Today Route 66 is especially popular with tourists. One of the first attractions that catch the eye on the long way from Chicago to Los...

San Diego

Fascination California - between beach, tacos and military history

Year-round sunshine, relaxed surfing ambience and attractive leisure activities for the whole family - San Diego in California is a real dream destination. The second largest city in the US state is located about two hours south of Los Angeles, directly on the Pacific coast and the border with Mexico. The proximity to its southern neighbor is clearly evident in the city's restaurant scene. Nowhere else in the USA are so many authentic...

Santa Monica

Golden beaches, a movie-like setting and an amusement park

Santa Monica is a special vacation spot in California. The unique sunset "Golden Hour" attracts many tourists to be on the road at this time. Who likes can use the opportunity for a comfortable stroll through the city. Every destination in this city can be reached on foot, every step leads to a different attraction. The Santa Monica Pier is known far beyond Santa Monica. Directly at the pier is the Pacific Park Amusement Park and attracts, among...

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