Your search for thailand

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Suchergebnisse für: thailand

Article 1 to 3 from 3 total

Ko Samui

Coconut forests and dream beaches

Fine white sandy beaches, coconut forests and hot party nights: that's the Thai Ko Samui. The holiday island is the third largest island in Thailand and is part of the Chumpon Archipelago. Together with about 80 other islands it is located in the middle of the Ang Thong Marine National Park. Ko Samui is located about 35 kilometres from the...


Thailand's vibrant metropolis

Bangkok, a city of eight million people, is not only one of the largest cities, but also one of the most interesting urban destinations in Asia. The capital and residence city of the Thai Kingdom, which extends over an area of 1,500 square kilometres along the Gulf of Thailand and the Chao Phraya River, offers its guests an enormous range of architectural...

Chiang Rai

Thailand's tourist pearl in the Golden Triangle

With 70,000 citizens, the city of Chiang Rai (not to be confused with Chiang Mai, 200 km away), located in the far north of Thailand 850 km north of Bangkok, is pleasantly manageable. Chiang Rai lies in a mountainous border area called the "Golden Triangle", which can be experienced on trekking tours...

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