Your search for ibiza

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Suchergebnisse für: ibiza

Article 1 to 3 from 3 total

Punta Arabi

Hippimarkt - a magical attraction for thousands of visitors

The hippie market Punta Arabi in Es Canar is a must for every Ibiza vacationer. The market takes place on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the grounds of the Clubhotel Punta Arabi. Very early in the season and far beyond, there is a lot of fun and bizarre things to be found here, besides Ibiza specialties, as well as junk and traditional handicrafts. The market is very crowded during the day, so it can be worthwhile to come here in the...


Exciting nightlife and traditional hippie markets

The island belongs to the Balearic Islands and is only a few hours flight time away from Europe. But the popularity of the Spanish island in the Mediterranean is not only due to the short journey. Visitors can expect beautiful beaches with shimmering waters, an exciting nightlife and traditional hippie markets, which are considered a Mecca for all shopping lovers. Since the 1970s the island has been fully developed for tourism and...

Ses Salines

One of the most beautiful beaches in Ibiza

White sandy beach with crystal clear blue water and the beach bars Malibu and Jockeys Club invite you to relax. Ses Salines is located about 10 minutes drive from Playa d'en Bossa (about 6km distance) or Ibiza-City (about 10km distance) in the southwest of Ibiza in the middle of the water nature reserve and is always worth a visit...

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