Your search for valencia

In the following you will find results for your search for "valencia"

Your search for the term "valencia" led to the following results. You can also use partial terms in our search to find suitable content in our articles.

Suchergebnisse für: valencia

Article 1 to 2 from 2 total


Barcelona's little sister

In Spain's third largest city, history and modernity meet like only few places in the world. The Catalan city is the capital of the Comunidat Valencia. It is located about 320 kilometres southeast of Madrid at the mouth of the river Turia into the Mediterranean Sea. Here live about 800,000 inhabitants, in the greater area of the city even 1.8 million. The autonomous region comprises the provinces of Valencia, Castellon and Alicante. Valencia was...

Costa Blanca

The holiday coast is one of the most popular in Spain

The Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of mainland Spain have an excellent reputation among holidaymakers as recreational destinations. One of the most popular and well-known holiday coasts in Spain is the Costa Blanca, the White Coast. This coastal region stretches for about 200 km between the Costa del Azahar ("Orange Blossom Coast") in the north and the Costa Cálida ("Warm Coast") in the south...

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