Your search for belgium

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One of the top travel destinations in Belgium

Bruges, the capital of West Flanders - is one of the top travel destinations in Belgium, along with Antwerp, Ghent and Brussels. You can travel there by car or by international railway lines. The 120,000 inhabitants are spread over eight city districts. Bruges was an important commercial centre from early on, and even today the port is one of the most important in Europe. The wealth of the city manifested itself in the luxurious courtly rule of the Dukes of Burgundy in the 15th century. Even today, numerous buildings bear witness to the city's splendour...


The third largest port city

The port and diamond city Antwerp invites you to stay in Flanders in the northern part of Belgium. Antwerp is not only impressive as the home of the third largest European seaport. With its picturesque old town, the diamond city attracts the eyes of its guests like a magnet. All those holidaymakers who cannot get enough of shopping between Groenplaats and the banks of the Scheldt or a visit to cosy cafés will feel at home here...


A city like out of a picture book

Ghent is situated at the confluence of the Scheldt and Leie not far from Brussels and Antwerp. The Belgian city with about 248,000 inhabitants is world-famous for its medieval old town and offers numerous achritectonic and cultural highlights such as the Count's Castle, the Ghent Belfry, the St. Bavo Cathedral or the Blandinberg Book Tower. The city developed through the cloth trade to one of the most important and largest cities in Europe...

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